Friday 16 January 2015

Stephen Harper and I are similar (Jan. 14, 2015)


Dealing with maxed-out credit cards

                                                            by Robert LaFrance

            People keep asking me what I got for Christmas; I always answer “through it”.
            That isn’t strictly true of course. While it’s true I got through Christmas, my many bank accounts, credit cards, debit cards, change bottles etc. are now over there lying in the corner and whimpering.
            What is it about Christmas that makes people spend money as if they had a billion dollars in cash reserves? In July or September I don’t stop for a meal at every restaurant I (don’t) pass, and I don’t buy a $231 electric drill when I already have two in my workshop. It’s as if suddenly money doesn’t matter; I just want to see smiles on the faces of the people around me.
            My wife was smiling. From her Uncle Ted she received a brand new stainless steel rolling pin that exactly fits the contours of my head. Ted, the former soda jerk in the 1950s and now a real jerk, has never liked me since I put the raccoon in his Ford pickup. He found at an office in Renous, NB, photos of my head from several different angles and with Computer Assisted Design and a 3-D printer, had this rolling pin made by a company in Bangladesh.
            So some people are smiling after the late holiday season, but I can only look forward to anxiety and paying off all those maxed-out cards. I believe the total is $29,331.28.
            On another but related topic, I recently read a newspaper description of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s personality and was quite surprised at how similar we two are.
            Each of us is married; he has two kids and I have three, which is pretty much the same thing, and he has two cats, Stanley and Gypsy. I hate cats, which more or less evens things out there.
            The newspaper article said that he and his family enjoy going sliding in the Laurentian Mountains, and there you go again. I used to slide when I was a kid, and I have twice visited the Laurentian Mountains when I lived in Ottawa in the latter part of 1973.
            Slipping into a description of PM Harper when he’s on the job, the article said he was “the boss” and he “would accept no criticism” once he had made a decision. Same here in this house, when my wife is away. Harper was said to lead “an extremely busy life, both at the office, on the government plane during a vital mission to Bermuda or the Cayman Islands, or at home. I too am scandalously busy when I’m in my office here at home, but I must admit I haven’t been in the Cayman Islands for some time. Too many caymans (caymen?) there for me.
            Another similarity - Stephen Harper’s wife Laureen trained as a journalist and photographer, and I didn’t. Enough said about that; the article described her as “personable” and anyone who knows me has to agree that I also am personable which my dictionary defines as “pleasing in person” and “attractive”.
            Here are a few things to think about as the year 2015 lurches into full force:
            Take the planet Uranus. There are two ways to pronounce its name and both of them mean trouble if you’re in elegant company. I am trying to picture a conversation when people are taking turns saying the names of planets in our solar system. Mercury, Mars, Venus et al are all right, and other people had already named the others (including an argument whether Pluto is a planet or a dog) so when it came my turn there was only Uranus left. Should I say “Your anus” or should I say “Urine-us”? I compromised. “How about You ran us?” I said. I always was a wimp.
            What is going to happen to the Ford Motor Company in 2015? They had been relying on Toronto Mayor Rob Ford throughout much of 2013 and 2014 – talk about brand recognition! – to sell their products, but Rob and Doug have pretty much disappeared from sight now that Toronto has a new mayor, John Tory. Should I buy a new Ford Focus this year, or stick with my 1986 Gremlin?
            Stephen Harper and I have been thinking about the federal election set for this year. Will the Mike Duffy trial have a big effect on the vote? “I don’t know, Steve,” I said yesterday after he called me. “How should I know? Don’t bother me when I’m trying to watch Downton Abbey.”

            I was reading an Andy Rooney book from 1989. He wrote: “While women in western society have jewels and things hanging from their ears, they wouldn’t be caught dead hanging something from their noses…” How things change. Today even males hang things from their noses, lips, and other areas, and nobody is afraid of tattoos any more. Flug’s 7th wife Windemere had one…well, let’s leave that one.

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