Wednesday 28 June 2017

Beware of Mike Pence! (June 7)


Hummingbirds calm down!

                        by Robert LaFrance

            This afternoon (I’m writing in the evening) I sat on a lawn chair on our porch and watched two hummingbirds fight it out over a bit of sugared water and thought about all the wars, battles, skirmishes and just plain bloodbaths that are occurring in the world as I sat there.
Did you ever watch a pair of hummingbirds fighting? One will go to the feeder and try to get a drink to give himself or herself enough energy to keep going, and before the sipping is finished the other bird will come along and attack.
It makes no sense – there’s lots of nectar for both – but they do it anyway, just like Sudan and South Sudan. If Greenland and Tasmania could find some way to go to war with each other they would. Remember the Falkland Islands war in the 1980s?
            On to a less violent subject, psychology. There is psychology in every aspect of our lives, even in grocery stores, and all the time I was thinking they just sold food. Two days ago I was near a certain store (not in Kincardine) at lunchtime and decided I wanted a snack. I bought a little package called Lunch-Mate Stackers, made by Schneiders, and figured that would do the trick for now. There were little round crackers, slices of alleged cheese, slices of ham and a very small Kit-Kat chocolate bar. Imagine my shock when I found there were 8 crackers, 8 pieces of alleged cheese, but only seven slices of ham.
            A lot of people reading this column probably think I’m going to complain, send a message to Schneider’s, sass the store manager, call in the riot police, etc. but I am not going to do any of that. In fact, I am rather pleased about the missing piece of ham. It gives me hope that somewhere in the world somebody else can make a mistake in spite of all the ‘smart’ technology that permeates our existence.
            Here in the neighbourhood where Flug and I have families and house pets, there is not much strife, except occasionally in the early morning hours in the club where we have canasta and auction 45 tournaments and allow lemonade to be served. It’s a weird community, half sane and you can guess the other half.
            One of the residents (he lives just down the road, beyond the big pine tree) resides a gent who is a prime example of the other half, the non-sane side (in my opinion). Fredson Blark is an antiques nut.
Born in the late 1960s, he’s not an antique himself, but I really think he sat too long in the sun in his younger years spent in Burma, what is now called Myanmar, full name Republic of the Union of Myanmar. He arrived here in the benighted Scotch Colony in the 1990 and promptly started collecting antiques, marrying 71-year-old Martha Grundge. (She calls HERSELF an antique, so don’t get mad at me.)
Within two years, he had their little cottage FULL of antiques. He would go to yard sales as far away as Arvida, Province of Quebec, and Halifax. Last week I decided to ask if I could visit and see his collection and it was true, the place was FULL of antiques (in case I hadn’t made that plain), but I didn’t realize just how full until I got ‘caught short’ as Aunt Ella used to say and asked to use the bathroom. I’m not kidding, he had no plumbing in the house. He directed me to his ‘washroom’, which turned out to be an outhouse, but with a difference. It was inside the house. How does he empty that? I soon decided I was in the company of a person who might be violent. I fled.
Speaking of nut cases, yesterday Flug came over and had a lemonade with me. When the subject changed to crabs, a topic I can take or leave, preferably leave, I was about to leave but remembered it was my house. He wanted me to go with him to Aleck  Gannon’s and see Aleck’s new crabs. It turned out that Alex had recently bought three crabapple trees, nothing serious. You never know about Flug – or Aleck for that matter.
            A lot of Americans are talking now about impeachment of their beloved president, and others are talking as if that gentleman may just decide to resign because he isn’t having any fun, but they had better think twice about what’s waiting in the wings.
            Mike Pence is their vice-president, and if people are uncomfortable with Donald Trump, they ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Pence would not only chop their health care and smile while he’s doing it, but he would probably ban income taxes on the rich – he’s a bit right-wing like that.

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