Tuesday 11 December 2012

Do you know Noah Vail? No?

A garbage can full of pun-ishment  

                                                            by Robert LaFrance


            You can’t say you haven’t been warned; I have said in two different columns this fall that I would soon write a column composed entirely of puns, the lowest form of humour.

I always like to see entrepreneurs come up with new ideas and then go ahead and produce an actual product for sale. Such was the case with Frank Naismith, a local guy who designed a big beer mug (not that anyone around here drinks alcoholic beverages) and put it on the market about two weeks before Hallowe’en, which is supposed to be kind of a scary time. What did he call his invention, you ask? It’s the Frank N. Stein.

            Castor DeMercé, who lives down the road and tries to be a carpenter, stopped by yesterday morning and we each had a  lemonade. The sun WAS over the yardarm because I had put the yardarm into the ditch for the day. Castor was saying that he had built in his garage two shelves for his power tools and they had both collapsed from the weight. Just before he arrived at my estate, he had put up yet another shelf and put the same heavy power tools on it. It was still there half an hour later. I asked him why he didn’t simply put less weight on it. “You gotta believe in your shelf,” he simply.

            My second cousin twice removed (to prison both times) Ernie said – not very originally – that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know and proceeded to prove it. He said when he had been in the slammer, the top dog in his cell block was named Bob Vail. He said that, like Conrad Black, Bob had gourmet meals sent in from the kitchen while the rest of the prison population, and indeed the people of Renous itself, had to be satisfied with sirloin or quiche. “The rest tried to get the good meals too,” Ernie said, “but it was to no avail. I was a good friend of Bob and got good meals too, which proves that the secret is to know a Vail.” If he had continued and mentioned our other cousin Noah Vale, I would have cheerfully killed him. And probably ended up in Renous myself.

            About a month ago my friend Flug decided that he would no longer eat store-bought eggs. He asked me where I got my eggs and I explained that, when one finds a source of ‘free-range’ hens’ eggs – the same as for fiddleheads – he does not divulge that source even if someone gently placed red-hot steel spikes under his fingernails and insulted his grandmother. So Flug, being Flug, decided he would buy a dozen laying hens and keep them in his garage. “One hen never does what the others do,” he complained, and I remembered a similar trouble when I had hens. There’s always one, I told him. I called them ‘henigades’.

            So Flug eventually got rid of the hens, which had laid six eggs in four weeks, and moved on to his next adventure in craziness. The day after he gave the hens away, I looked out my kitchen window and saw Flug going by on his old Schwinn bicycle and then fifteen minutes later I once more saw him going by – backwards this time. I hollered out and asked him why he was doing that and he said that he was ‘recycling’. I think Flug needs a hobby.

            The country music group The Rebels was in town last weekend and one part of their act was a song about Christmas when five men dressed as Santa Claus – one for each of the boys - were to have come out on stage and to do a little dance number. Trouble was, the Santa who was supposed to come out and dance beside Sidney J. had a flat tire on the way to the theatre and didn’t make it. Sidney J. was – one might say – a Rebel without a Claus.

            Everyone in the small community of Pandora is laughing because a fellow named Scott Ginger tried to murder Jayden Hislip’s grandmother for her cash. Everyone but Scott knew better than to annoy Mrs. Grindon. If Scott had asked anyone, he would have learned that she was the wrong one to attack. The reason he wasn’t successful was that she was a trained MI6 operative and knows 46 ways to kill a human and that includes Scott. Why did he do that, you ask? Apparently what happened was that Scott was ‘over-served’ as people say when they have drunk too much, and when someone used the word ‘kilogram’ he decided to try it. He will be out of the hospital by Christmas – of 2013.

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