Sunday 3 March 2019

Egg yolks now okay (Feb 6)

The mysterious Canada Food Guide 2019

                                    by Robert LaFrance

I am sure happy that we have weather because we can always find something to talk about. Ed and Sam, who haven’t seen each other for six months, met at the post office and sure enough they talk for six minutes and then start in on the weather, the one thing they CAN do something about.
However, they rarely do, except that sometimes one of them packs up and heads for Florida where it is hotter than the hubs of hell. Then that guy complains about the heat and decides to head back to New Brunswick where Old Man Winter is just getting serious.
Such was the case with Sam, who flew to Florida with his wife Helga in early December and returned home just when the average night-time temperature here was around minus 25 Celsius and the wind had just emerged from a bit of a sleep up behind Mount Carleton. Helga’s curses could have been heard in Tilley although they live in the Scotch Colony now.
“What kind of an idiot would go to Florida when it was fairly warm in New Brunswick and then come back to New Brunswick just when the Polar Vortex was arriving in Upper Kintore?” she asked rhetorically. Sam refrained from reminding her that she must be equally an idiot because she did that very thing. From sad experience, he had learned that being right rarely resulted in anything other than pain and sorrow.
Speaking of winter, I am getting rather tired of people coming on television to tell me to dress in layers. Is there another way? They never explain what they mean other than it is apparently a way of saying “dress warmly”.
Another of the great traditions of winter is the superstition that a rodent comes out of the ground on February 2nd and can predict whether we will have another six weeks of winter.
Really? Anyone living in New Brunswick and thinking there will only be six more weeks of winter needs his head examined.
Speaking of Donald Trump, is there any way those poor Americans can get rid of that in a mere six weeks? Even the major media outlets like CNN, Washington Post and New York Times must be getting really really tired of that dangerous buffoon in spite of the fact that he has provided thousands of journalistic jobs during the past two years.
Every time he breathes the media are on it. Come on, everyone knows he wouldn’t be president if Russia hadn’t guided his campaign from start to finish, but they either have to impeach him or put up with him for another two years. Good luck.
            I didn’t finish my comments about Groundhog Day and I know the faithful reader is waiting for that. This morning I was taking some exercise down by the garage when I heard a rattling sound coming from underneath our blue recycling bin. At first I thought it might be a raccoon or possibly a tough porcupine, but as I watched, a brown body emerged head-first. How much snow could a woodchuck chuck you might ask? Well, this woodchuck/groundhog could certainly chuck a whack of it.
            He came out swearing and looked around at the sunny day. “Damn!” he said. “Another month and a half of this sh*t! Why don’t you people move to Florida anyway? I have to stay to make this prediction every year, but they make buses, trains, cars and planes every day. You could be sitting in Tampa by tomorrow afternoon.” And with that, he swore at his shadow and crawled back under the recycling bin. I went back to my favourite living room chair and thought about what he had said.
            A quick online scan of my bank account answered the groundhog/woodchuck’s question. If my bank account had been interactive it probably would have said: “Turn on the TV, you ain’t going down south unless you’re thinking about Maugerville. Or you could borrow some money from your cousin in Amherst and maybe get as far as Truro.”
            This last section of my column I will devote to talking about all the excitement generated by the latest Canada Food Guide. I know I was thrilled and just about everyone at the club was talking about it.
            “I wonder what it means?” asked the Perfessor. “Five years ago they were telling Canadians to lay off the egg yolks because they are nothing but cholesterol and now they are telling us to drink more vodka and eat more eggs and we’ll live to be a hundred.”
            “I believe you’re referring to the Canadian Club pamphlet that the bartender (Hot Ted the women call him, just as a 375 pound man is called Tiny),” I commented. “A company that makes whiskey – or is it whisky? – can’t be relied on to recommend good choices in the way of nutrition.”
            So we argued for a while about egg yolks, now considered quite acceptable, and other food now banned from the Canada Food Guide 2019 lists and didn’t find any sense there at all, but we drank quite a bit of beer while doing it.

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