Wednesday 18 April 2018

No gardening this month (March 28)

A good head on his shoulders

                        by Robert LaFrance

            Somebody said to me yesterday that my cousin Vinnie (short for vinyard) had “a good head on his shoulders”. I am not sure that a human should be described in this way although it might be accurate and more appropriate to say that a glass of beer has a good head on it. Note: Vinnie is not the sharpest axe in the shed but he fools people.
            Speaking of someone on the opposite end of the intelligence scale, I recently read a story about Albert Einstein. In 1952, Hungarian poet named George Faludy and he were walking along a New York City street when Faludy pulled out a notebook and wrote something in it. Seeing the quizzical look on Einstein’s face, he explained that whenever he had a good idea, he wrote it down, and asked if Einstein carried a notebook. “No,” said probably the greatest physicist who ever lived, “I hardly ever have a good idea.”
            Although I have known about it for some time, this morning was the first time I strode through the walking trail located inside the River Valley Civic Centre. It took me about two and a quarter minutes to make one circle and I felt that was enough exercise for one day. Just kidding; I walked for 21 minutes and was very pleased to be able to do that on level ground. Here in Kincardine there is a total of 76 metres of level ground but I am as lazy as a cut cat, as the old saying goes. Kudos to the Perth-Andover Recreation Department for setting this up.
            Now to a different kind of exercise: snowmobiling. All the skidooers (as people say, even though Skidoo is a specific trade name) I know have been very pleased about this past (yes, past) winter’s snow cover. Those who could afford to buy a $49,000 snow machine, who could afford to hire a full-time mechanic to take along with them and who could afford all the gasoline, permits and licences, had a great time going through the woods. A former skidoo owner, I know the pleasure of the sport, but, contrary to what I said earlier, there’s not much exercise involved. By the way, a snowmobile doesn’t cost $49,000. The Yamaha 292 I bought in 1979 only cost me $300 and I doubt if they’re much more expensive now.
            I write this immortal prose on Tuesday, March 20, the first day of Spring. Where did the winter go? It was only about two weeks ago that I was putting away my gardening tools after knocking the dust off them. I planted garlic and some winter rye to be tilled under in May and just generally polished off the gardening summer of 2017. This spring I have already received my interesting envelopes from Vesey’s Seeds and am ready to plant. Looking out my living room window though, there seems to be a problem (It’s ‘problematic’ as politicians and others say although it means the same thing) with something covering my gardens – about one metre of crusty snow with another 15-20 centimetres expected on Thursday. I suppose I will have to wait; I was going to call my neighbour Ricky to plough all the snow off my gardens and then we could pour on hot water; my wife dismissed that as impractical, but not in those words. “You’re an idiot, Bob!”
            In my shirt pocket I almost always, except in the shower, carry around a notebook, and in that notebook, on the back page, is a list of jobs I plan to do as soon as I get a chance. One is to clean up and clean out my workshop located at the back of the garage and I have been progressing well on that. I’ve almost started. Number two on my list is ‘clean my office’ which deserves a thorough going-over. If I could back a tractor-trailer right up to the window (a little ‘problematic’ on the second storey) and fill it with junk collected over the years, that might help, a bit. That’s another job that I have almost begun, although I did empty the wastebasket in February.
            Some other jobs on the list: gather up all income tax papers and take them to our accountant, to see him cry; clean and vacuum both cars (we are wealthy) but don’t bother washing them because they are filthy again before we even get home; delete some of the 2572 emails in my inbox and some of the 2294 letters in my ‘sent items’ box, and finally, make a new list. Two jobs I have actually started are “Make a list of jobs you want to do” and the other is “Buy a new notebook to copy this list to the back page of that”. I try to be neat at all times. Spring cleaning, I love it.

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