Tuesday 19 May 2015

Flug puts in two cents worth (May 13)


Periodontal (Per-idiot?) disease in dogs?

                                                            by Robert LaFrance

            I usually write my column on Saturdays, but this time I would be away in Halifax to watch my son Kinley receive his Youth Minister diploma from the Atlantic School of Theology. (I’m rather proud of my boy, but don’t tell him that. I’ve told him for all these years that I would have preferred if we had acquired a puppy in 1992.)
Therefore, because I would be away I asked my friend Flug (Richard LaFrance, no relation) if he would mind writing it. No question of pay though. I knew it wouldn’t be worth much.
“Would I?” he spurted. “I’ve been wanting to replace you for years!”
“But Flug,” I said. “You’re not – ”
It was too late; he was on his way to his laptop. Brunswick News was in for a shock.
Good day, former readers of Bob LaFrance’s alleged humour column. You finally caught a break. My name is Richard LaFrance, no relation thank God, former Parliament Hill barber and fork lift driver in Onion, Saskatchewan. I am here to put a little humour into your lives. You’ve waited long enough.
Let’s start out with telephone surveys, not to be confused with telemarketers. I lie to them, every time. Therefore I realize, as you do, that telephone polls aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. Only an hour ago, someone from the Conservative Party of Canada called and asked me what I thought about the Tories’ phoney TV commercials referring to their so-called Action Plan.
Of course I could recognize Justin Trudeau’s voice and I quickly told him what I thought of him. “Your father would spin in his grave if he saw the way you lie every day,” I said. “Sure, he lied too, but in a different way. And, if you can’t out-lie Stephen Harper you don’t deserve to be prime minister.”
The caller persisted though, and wanted to know what I thought about the Tories spending $750 million on political advertising while denying it was political advertising. I stood pat, although I was sitting at the time and my name is not Pat.
Now let’s go on to where I got the name Flug. As I said, my Christian name is Richard, if that’s not too politically incorrect. Born in Tilley, NB, in 1948, I pretty well had to have a Christian name because there weren’t a lot of Buddhists living along Churchland Road. There I go again! Should I have said Synagogue-land or Mosque-land Road?
Back to the origin of the name, Bob LaFrance had something to do with it – what a surprise. About 1958 a bunch of us boys were playing baseball across the road from Murray and Minnie Paris’s house and I hit a ground ball to Mack Paris, who threw the ball to first baseman Clinton St. Peter. That ball, delivered with lots of speed, took me right in a sensitive area and I went down face-first to the ground, ploughing up enough topsoil to plant a bed of green peppers.
Ah, how I could use the language then! “*&^%$#@*&^%$!” I moaned at a high volume. One of the words I uttered started with the letter ‘F’, which brought Minnie out to find out who was ‘hors de combat’ as we used to say in France. “It’s okay, Minnie,” Bob said. “He’s just saying ‘Flug Flug Flug!’ He thought his face was a plough.”
After I recovered and Minnie had gone back to prepare a baked bean supper with rolls for all of us, I said to Bob: “Flug indeed.” Only I didn’t say ‘Flug’. From that day on, I was Flug and no longer Richard (no relation).
For my penultimate (let Bob top that word!) paragraph, and I am sure that by this time you agree that I would be a much better choice to write this column, I want to mention the Royal Bank of Canada profit in the last quarter of 2014. It was $1.3 BILLION, a record even for them. Instead of lowering bank fees and charges, they added more, like a $5 fee for paying your mortgage. There were dozens of them. You want a definition of the word ‘greed’? It’s spelled B-A-N-K-S. Then there’s Mike Duffy, who is in a league of his own.

Last, I read on an Internet website that your dog is in danger of getting gum disease, but you can steer that off by taking giving your vet $600-plus so he, she or it can clean the dog’s teeth and give it some free medicine for $200-$300 more. Funny, I’ve had more than a dozen dogs and not one had gum disease. I let them eat bones and hard dogfood to keep their teeth in good shape. People sure are sucked in.

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