Monday 8 July 2013

Rex Murphy - I'm not a fan, but I am a fan (June 26)

Stephen Harper is my evil twin 

                                                            by Robert LaFrance


            I guess my secret is out. Flug opened his big fat mouth at the club last evening and said: “Guys, did any of you ever remember seeing Bob and Stephen Harper in the same photo?”

            People aren’t ready for this I know, but I am Stephen Harper’s good twin. That only leaves him to be the evil one since by definition twins are made up of two people.

            Those same people must also be wondering where he’s been lately, while the Mike Duffy-Pamela Wallin debacle has been swirling around his chair high atop the House of Commons. He’s been here, sleeping in our garage. I took him out some toast this morning. He used our garden hose to take a shower.

            “I wonder where he’s been?” asked Wolf, the bartender at the club. “He should be on the attack, telling those pesky reporters that it was all a mistake. Those fat cat senators (lots of evil twins there) were really Liberals who had somehow infiltrated the Tory caucus, maybe while the Minister of Patronage was on a smoke break.”

            “I couldn’t agree more, Wolf,” I agreed, being agreeable. “We should send out a couple of Chinook helicopters to search for him. He could be unconscious, or even conscious, somewhere, like in a garage.”

            He looked at me sharply. “What do you know about this?”

            I somehow slithered out of that, but when I arrived home – on foot, which is like walking – I went to the garage. “Evil twin,” I said. “It’s time. You have to go to Ottawa and give people the facts.”

            “How can I do that?” he blubbered. “I’ve got Tory senators whose expense claims since January would finance a space shuttle and a chief of staff – a former chief of staff – who gave Mike Duffy ninety thousand dollars out of the goodness of his heart. I have to persuade people that I had nothing to do with that cheque and do it with a straight face.”

            “Here,” I said, handing him a jar of shellac. “Just before you go to the podium, slatherate this onto your face while you’re smiling and it will set it like cement, but be careful about putting it on your mouth because you have to speak. And remember, keep both sides of your mouth un-shellacked. You’re Stephen Harper after all.”


            Closer to home, while it saddens me to see a building being destroyed, I am always fascinated by the work of the equipment operator who goes under the name of Arthur Walton, because that’s his name.

            I was watching the demolition of the old Armstrong Building along Perth’s main street. Arthur was operating a Birmingham Construction excavator and I doubt if a brain surgeon would have a much more delicate touch. The bucket of that piece of machinery is big enough to hold a party in, but you’d think it was a scalpel to watch Arthur do his work.

One second the bucket was smashing the roof in and the next he was manoeuvring a single board, stick or piece of wire to a better place on the back of the truck that would haul away the debris.

I would say that in a world where there so much misleading information around, whoever chose the name Arthur for this Upper Kent gentleman hit it right on the nose. The first three letters tell the whole story.


While I am not a fan of Rex Murphy when he hosts CBC Radio’s Cross Country Checkup, I enjoy his comments on the National CBC-TV program. On the radio show he tends to interrupt callers just as they’re about to make their point, which is rather annoying to the listener.

I don’t think I have ever heard anyone quite so good with words as Rex Murphy (unless it was my wife when I got home from the grocery store at 4:00 am) and I am here to report just one of his many hilarious phrases. There are many words for stupid (and I’ve been called most of them, especially at 4:00 am) but I think Rex has come up with a phrase that couldn’t have explained it better. “The socially and intellectually anorexic”.

            He HAS been photographed with Stephen Harper.


            My final subject in today’s dissertation has to do with grass, the legal kind.

            My neighbour Jackson on the opposite side from Flug’s place is a lawn nut. The Shick Superblade could not cut any closer than Jackson’s lawn is cut. I swear on Martha Stewart’s Guide to Pot Roasts that I saw him this morning with a magnifying glass. He was checking out the length of the grass in one certain area.

            He is totally insane, so when will be get his Senate call?

            Another issue about grass is this: what genius decided that garden hoses should be green, coincidentally the same colour as my lawn? In other words, I now have to buy a new garden hose. When Grammy went to town to buy hose it was hosiery. The world is changing too quickly.           

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