Monday, 8 July 2013

Pity the poor razour blade (July 10)

The Perfessor chooses cowardice over valour 

                                                            by Robert LaFrance

            Cleaning up the attic one day last week, I came across a collection of books from my childhood – ‘War and Peace’ – that sort of thing. It felt good to reminisce about the days when I was literate.

            I may have been lying about the ‘War and Peace’, but there was quite a variety of books that I brought from Tilley in the 1990s when my father Fred LaFrance moved out of the home estate and into a nursing home. There were many Lone Ranger books, and a whole whack of Hardy Boys novels.

            Of course, in lieu of actually doing some work up there in the attic, I sat down on an old chesterfield and started reading one of the Hardy Boys mysteries, “The Clue in the Rooster’s Ear”. It was the first time in years that I had read one of those and it reminded me that there were more characters than just Frank and Joe Hardy, the teenage detectives.

            Of course there was their dumb friend Chet or Chump (something like that) and the Hardy Boys’ father Fenton Hardy who actually was a detective. Meaning he got paid.

            Then about page 498 or so I came across yet another Hardy whom I had forgotten about. We only remember Frank and Joe, but there was another brother who worked at McDonald’s – Harvey McDonald’s grocery store down the street. He had tried to be a detective too, but no one would take him seriously.

            You see Fenton and Mrs. Fenton had named their first child Foole as a kind of cute joke. Try getting a job as a detective – or an accountant or truck driver for that matter - when your name is Foole Hardy.


            Would you believe I STILL haven’t got brook fishing this year?

            I, who would murder a canary for an hour’s fishing in Bubie Brook just down from our house, have been no closer to a brook in 2013 than crossing one over a culvert, or as the old Romans used to say, a viaduct. I prefer to say culvert however, because viaducts are so rare that one is reduced to duct hunting if he wants to see one.

            Ah, last summer, now that was a great one for fishing. I would be at the brook before 8:00 am and come home with a whole ‘mess’ of fish as mother used to say. One day I caught one that was ‘as long as my leg and big around as any stovepipe’ in Grampy’s words, and it was quite a job getting that in the frying pan. We had to invite the neighbours and cook it in stages.

            “That’s quite a lie,” said Flug who had been sitting behind me and sipping on a lemonade as I had been typing. “The biggest one you ever caught was that haddock you bought uptown. If I recall, you dropped it on the porch and the dog Belvedere pounced on it.”

            “I’ll have you know I caught a good many sturgeon in that stream,” I remonstrated, whatever that might mean. I think it means I was calling him a horse’s patoot. In any case, the point is, I want to get fishing or you’ll see me standing alongside the fish display in the grocery store and shedding a dozen tears on the packaged trout.


            Now I’ll just mention some things we were talking about at the club last evening. One was about Eb Starling, who has been a club member since just before the Crimean War. It seems his doctor got him to take one of those ‘stool tests’ and Eb, not a bright light, put his dog’s stool on the little cards they gave him. Now he has to be treated for Canine Distemper.

            Those ‘keyless entry’ things sometimes cause a little problem. The Perfessor, who recently got a new Chev Flicker (cheaper version of the Blazer), was at a Wal-Mart parking lot and lost his vehicle in the crowd. He pushed the red button which is supposed to locate your own car and, for some reason, the alarms of about 25 vehicles started braying. He took a walk over to East Side Mario’s until the hubbub died down. The linguini was good, he said.

            My wife what’s-her-name, my son and I were out on the lawn chasing fireflies one evening last week when a carload of Ontario tourists who were staying nearby happened to pass on the road. So there we were, three alleged grownups with hands cupped running around on the lawn and trying to catch fireflies. Of course they didn’t know what we were doing. I noticed after that that those people drove much faster on later tours of this road.

            As Canadians living close to the U.S. border, we are inundated with American ‘culture’ to the point that many people pronounce the last letter of the alphabet as ‘zee’ and pronounce the word ‘Lieutenant’ as Loo-tenant. Can you imagine? It’s clearly to be pronounced LEFT-tenant. Oops. Poor example, but some people do get carried away with the U.S. vs. Canadian spelling. Ed the bartender put on his shopping list: ‘razour blades’.  

A Laurier story from 1899 (July 3)

Do pigs need air traffic controllers? 

                                                            by Robert LaFrance

            There’s an old French expression (from 1849) “plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose”. It means, as we all know by  now, “the more things change, the more they stay the same”.

            At this point it would be easy to descend into politics (attack ads, $90,000 secret payments, etc.), but I think it would be better to keep this discussion on a higher level – trash.

            On many, many occasions on the mornings following the pickup of trash, I have noticed that certain driveways ALWAYS have loose garbage spread all over them. It’s true - always the sames ones. That’s the kicker: every week and I mean EVERY week, the same people must go out onto their driveways after they come home from wherever they’ve been and pick up the trash that has obviously been spread there by large birds and small animals.

            What is astounding, even though it shouldn’t be, is that it never seems to occur to these people that they should really give a thought to doing something about it. Here are a few suggestions.

            Never, never put food into your trash; put it into your compost pile or take it out into the woods for Johnny Wolverine. If you put food wrappers into the garbage, wash them so there’s no scent of food. If you are going to put a half-eaten rack of lamb in there, you can expect the little carnivores to tear open your garbage bag. That’s their job – staying alive, as John Travolta would say.

            Put your garbage in a container, preferably a metal one with large metal electrified jaws and an ultrasonic alarm if any creature should come near. I put my garbage in a steel barrel that has the bottom out. The creatures don’t like metal, just as I don’t like heavy metal, and don’t touch it.

            There was my advice. I am sure that next week I will not see any more driveways littered with trash. Wait! What’s that flying over? Somebody’s going to be missing a few pigs. They’re migrating north to Eureka, Nunavut, their summer nesting grounds.


            And people thought federal cabinet ministers didn’t want to take any initiative, that they were just keeping out of sight until they get their pensions or that expense account cheque comes in. Hah! There was a time (pre-Stephen Harper) when they were extremely active and I’m going to give you a recent example from the book ‘Right Honourable Men’ by Michael Bliss.

            In the year 1899 – okay, not THAT recent – Prime Minister Wilfred Laurier, who just plain could not understand economics, had just given a speech to a group of businessmen near Toronto. He had made just about every mistaken assumption there was, and was on his way to deliver another similar speech somewhere else.

            Finance Minister W. S. Fielding, who was travelling with Laurier, couldn’t allow that to happen. He instructed an aide to get rid of the speech. The aide took the speech out of Laurier’s luggage and threw it – the speech, not the luggage – into the Teeswater River as they crossed on the Paisley, Ontario bridge. Laurier never knew what happened to his papers, but after that he stuck to speeches written by people who knew what they were talking about.

            Picture that being done to one of Harper’s speeches. The culprit would find his head impaled on a pikestaff in front of the War Museum.


            Shortly after I had tripled the amount of her life insurance, my wife and I were walking along the edge of a high riverbank along the Tobique River when I spotted a bottle floating downstream, which, when you think about it, is the logical direction for it to float.

            Since she wouldn’t go down the vertical bank to the rocks below and try to retrieve it, it was up to me. After all, it could have been from somebody shipwrecked and needing help. Maybe they were stranded without food or water on Reed’s Island or somewhere up that way.

            It was a Diet Coke bottle, and inside really was a note. It said: “Help, I need $90,000! Send cash to M. Duffy, Ottawa, and definitely not Cavendish, PEI!” I didn’t know what that was all about, but my wife looked at it and said it looked as if it were a hoax. That was before she accidently pushed me into the river. I did manage to get out – barely.

            When we got home, the phone rang. It was the insurance company. “Mr. LaFrance, would tell your wife that her request to quadruple your life insurance coverage went through yesterday as requested?”

Boy, you can’t trust anybody nowadays!                    

Rex Murphy - I'm not a fan, but I am a fan (June 26)

Stephen Harper is my evil twin 

                                                            by Robert LaFrance


            I guess my secret is out. Flug opened his big fat mouth at the club last evening and said: “Guys, did any of you ever remember seeing Bob and Stephen Harper in the same photo?”

            People aren’t ready for this I know, but I am Stephen Harper’s good twin. That only leaves him to be the evil one since by definition twins are made up of two people.

            Those same people must also be wondering where he’s been lately, while the Mike Duffy-Pamela Wallin debacle has been swirling around his chair high atop the House of Commons. He’s been here, sleeping in our garage. I took him out some toast this morning. He used our garden hose to take a shower.

            “I wonder where he’s been?” asked Wolf, the bartender at the club. “He should be on the attack, telling those pesky reporters that it was all a mistake. Those fat cat senators (lots of evil twins there) were really Liberals who had somehow infiltrated the Tory caucus, maybe while the Minister of Patronage was on a smoke break.”

            “I couldn’t agree more, Wolf,” I agreed, being agreeable. “We should send out a couple of Chinook helicopters to search for him. He could be unconscious, or even conscious, somewhere, like in a garage.”

            He looked at me sharply. “What do you know about this?”

            I somehow slithered out of that, but when I arrived home – on foot, which is like walking – I went to the garage. “Evil twin,” I said. “It’s time. You have to go to Ottawa and give people the facts.”

            “How can I do that?” he blubbered. “I’ve got Tory senators whose expense claims since January would finance a space shuttle and a chief of staff – a former chief of staff – who gave Mike Duffy ninety thousand dollars out of the goodness of his heart. I have to persuade people that I had nothing to do with that cheque and do it with a straight face.”

            “Here,” I said, handing him a jar of shellac. “Just before you go to the podium, slatherate this onto your face while you’re smiling and it will set it like cement, but be careful about putting it on your mouth because you have to speak. And remember, keep both sides of your mouth un-shellacked. You’re Stephen Harper after all.”


            Closer to home, while it saddens me to see a building being destroyed, I am always fascinated by the work of the equipment operator who goes under the name of Arthur Walton, because that’s his name.

            I was watching the demolition of the old Armstrong Building along Perth’s main street. Arthur was operating a Birmingham Construction excavator and I doubt if a brain surgeon would have a much more delicate touch. The bucket of that piece of machinery is big enough to hold a party in, but you’d think it was a scalpel to watch Arthur do his work.

One second the bucket was smashing the roof in and the next he was manoeuvring a single board, stick or piece of wire to a better place on the back of the truck that would haul away the debris.

I would say that in a world where there so much misleading information around, whoever chose the name Arthur for this Upper Kent gentleman hit it right on the nose. The first three letters tell the whole story.


While I am not a fan of Rex Murphy when he hosts CBC Radio’s Cross Country Checkup, I enjoy his comments on the National CBC-TV program. On the radio show he tends to interrupt callers just as they’re about to make their point, which is rather annoying to the listener.

I don’t think I have ever heard anyone quite so good with words as Rex Murphy (unless it was my wife when I got home from the grocery store at 4:00 am) and I am here to report just one of his many hilarious phrases. There are many words for stupid (and I’ve been called most of them, especially at 4:00 am) but I think Rex has come up with a phrase that couldn’t have explained it better. “The socially and intellectually anorexic”.

            He HAS been photographed with Stephen Harper.


            My final subject in today’s dissertation has to do with grass, the legal kind.

            My neighbour Jackson on the opposite side from Flug’s place is a lawn nut. The Shick Superblade could not cut any closer than Jackson’s lawn is cut. I swear on Martha Stewart’s Guide to Pot Roasts that I saw him this morning with a magnifying glass. He was checking out the length of the grass in one certain area.

            He is totally insane, so when will be get his Senate call?

            Another issue about grass is this: what genius decided that garden hoses should be green, coincidentally the same colour as my lawn? In other words, I now have to buy a new garden hose. When Grammy went to town to buy hose it was hosiery. The world is changing too quickly.           