Thursday 13 February 2020

Burning my truck (Jan 22/20)

Put down that fire extinguisher!

                                    by Robert LaFrance

            As a journalist for about 35 years, I know what a slow news day is. You look desperately for a story, and in the end can only find one about a family of groundhogs who built a nest in an abandoned tractor tire.
            No wars to speak of, no mass killings in Texas, no big tax announcements, no huge scandals – just that pitiful group of rodents huddling in their frozen tire.
            That’s about what it’s like today and has been for the past week. Only in this case the groundhogs are people named Harry, Meghan and Archie – ordinary enough names for ordinary people who have decided they might want to move from England to Canada.
            I never figured out, in my 71.5 years, what the word ‘Royal’ means and probably never will, but I suppose it mostly means ‘rich’ and living on money doled out by governments. In years past this family, based in Britain not far from the biggest welfare office in the country, the family members attend opening ceremonies of hospitals and bowling alleys and are fawned over as if they had recently accomplished something. Then the crowds disperse and everyone goes home.
            So the Duke and Duchess of Sussex want to bring little Archie to Canada because the British tabloid newspapers (they never have a slow news day because they simply make it up) have been picking on the duchess, whose former identity was actress Meghan Markle.
            What did they expect?
            The television and radio news networks interviewed people who worked for the Canadian immigration departments and they said that Harry and Meghan had to go through the same channels as every other immigrants. Nobody popped up to tell the story about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The mayor of Sussex, NB, showed up to welcome them to his town, because of its name. Imagine, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex occupying a farm only a few kilometres from downtown. Not to mention Archie.
            Best of luck to the family; I am happy for them, that they’re not trying to enter the U.S.A. via the southern border. Trump would be calling them rapists and murderers, or worse, in his “mind” – Democrats. God, he’s an odious man, as are the Republicans supporting him.
            This coming weekend will be Robbie Burns Night in Kincardine and, once again, I will not be wearing a kilt. Every year I feel I should warn people.
            However, I will be singing with various groups during the program although I have no idea what ‘Auld Lang Syne’ means. Something to do with Scotland no doubt.
            You have been warned.
            Moving on, my neighbour Edd Sprang stopped by to visit last evening and I could hear his cursing from the time he emerged from his 1976 Gremlin at the end of our driveway.
            “Edd,” I said, “I have never heard you swear like that since your favourite cow got her udder caught in your ringer washing machine. What’s the problem?”
            “Christians,” he roared and quaffed the beer I gave him within half a minute. “Today they cost me almost $700. I was driving my decrepit 1976 GMC pickup home from Riley Brook when it caught fire around Two Brooks. The smoke was rolling out from under the hood and also from my left rear tire. I was laughing like a hyena as I came to a stop and just before an idiot appeared on the road behind me.
            “Obviously he was a Christian because he wanted to help. He had a fire extinguisher in his cab and I will be damned if he didn’t haul it out with the idea of putting out the fires. I grabbed it out of his hand and threw it in the ditch, but he told me I was in shock and out of my head and got it back from the ditch.
            “I grabbed it from him one more time and threw it once more in the ditch, then tramped it into the little stream. He got it out again and damned if he didn’t put out those fires.”
            I was baffled of course, but then I often am when dealing with Edd. “Why didn’t you want him to put out the fire?”
            “Remember I said it was a 1976 GMC pickup? Resale value in the vicinity of zero and nil. My insurance would have come good for about $2500, and I would have got rid of that piece of-”.
            I interrupted: “But Edd, you would have gotten some money from your insurance. Wouldn’t you?”
            “I got my pickup towed to Plaster Rock where the garage replaced the burned out wires and the tire. The towing came to $80, the garage work came to $587 for a grand – not so grand – total of $667. The deductible on my insurance was $500. I didn’t apply to my insurance company because, according to my neighbour Blurb McGann, they would have put up my payments another $25 a month for five years.”
            Changing the subject, I have recently completed a task I have been working on for what seems like years. I changed all my computer, banking and other passwords. For months, even years, I have been warned every hour it seems to change my passwords every month or so. The last time I changed mine was October 1994.
            Following instructions, I saved a different password for each of the 15 programs I use. The next day I was informed that I had been SPAMed, PHISHED, etc in 11 of those programs. Remind me to never listen to anyone again.

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